Pilot Theory

To gain your pilots licence you must complete theory exams.

 The 6 PPL Theory courses are:  


Study Material



eAviator is changing the way pilots are taught and is innovating its traditional counterpart of classroom learning. To sign up for the courses click this link or the image below!

We are proud to be working with eAviator and bring you e-Learning courses which have been designed and developed by industry and educational professionals.

eAviator courses are specifically designed to help you best prepare for your exams as well as thoroughly understand the content. These courses provide you with engaging interactive content as it includes elements of animation, visual aids and concise content that has been written to cater for different types of learning styles. 

eAviator flexibility allows you to study for your aviation licence without compromising your lifestyle. eAviator can be accessed at anytime and anyplace. No need to wait for the next scheduled class.